Yoga classes & workshops, dedicated meditation sessions, and yoga for women in Stroud, with Frankie Duggan. Yoga is practical and experiential. It teaches us to pay attention as we move and breathe, and to become aware of our responses, habits and patterns – be they physical, mental or emotional. As we slow down and notice what is happening in the moment, we gradually find we are less reactive, more responsive, and that we have more freedom.
About me

I first came to yoga as a student, to help cope with exam stress and anxiety, and quickly realised that I had found much more! I was lucky to have a teacher who inspired me with her joyous and open approach to the vast subject that is yoga. After classes, I felt calmer, more “joined up” and in touch with myself, and more at peace with the world. I have continued to discover in yoga a profoundly nourishing and resourcing practice, which has helped me through many changes and difficulties in my life – not least becoming a mother, and the death of my own mother. My daily practice is an anchor, reminding me of what really matters in my life, and the possibility of taking this out into the rest of my day.
I trained to be a teacher in 1999-2000, with Swami Vedantananda Saraswati (a Bihar School of Yoga training, accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga), and have been teaching weekly classes ever since – some of my current students came to my very first class!
I have done a lot of additional training and study over the years, so that I can keep learning and evolving both personally and professionally. I’ve also run residential retreats, co-trained on teacher training courses, and am a final class assessor for teachers in training, and mentor of new yoga teachers.
I teach weekly yoga classes in Stroud, both in-person and on-line. These are integral, holistic classes (often referred to as hatha yoga) and include a balance of asana (posture work), breath awareness, pranayama (techniques which manipulate the breath), and yoga nidra (deep relaxation) or simple meditation. I also teach meditation sessions. Full details are on the next page.
I am lucky to have my own beautiful yoga studio in Stroud, and from here I also offer weekend workshops and longer courses, meditation sessions, a weekly yoga class for women, and one-to-one sessions. Birth preparation sessions, workplace sessions, and mentoring support for new teachers are available on request.
I write a short weekly post on substack, on something yoga-related, inspired by conversations with my students, or by what I’ve been practising, teaching, or reading about. You can subscribe for free here.